Postop instructions after surgical Endodontic treatment

What to expect after surgery:

  1. Slight oozing or bleeding is normal for 24 hrs
  2. Although severe pain seldom occurs, some discomfort will usually be present.
  3. There will be some swelling and discoloration for the next one week. This is a normal part of the healing process.
  4. There is often temporary loss of feeling in the surgical site.
  5. The treated tooth may feel loose for a brief time.

Home care instructions following Endodontic Surgery:

  1. Rest. Avoid strenuous activity for at least 48 hours.
  2. Take and complete any medications as prescribed by us.
  3. Do not lift or pull lip to examine surgical area. This may disrupt stitches which may increase irritation.
  4. Place ice pack on surgical area 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off for approximately 6 hours. This will minimize swelling and discoloration. Do not use ice after the first day.
  5. Remove the gauze pack upon arriving home. If the bleeding continues after the first hour, remove the old gauze and place a new piece over the wound. Apply firm pressure for an additional 30-60 minutes. For excessive bleeding, you may place a wet tea bag (Lipton Black Tea) over the area for 45 minutes. Tea contains an ingredient that helps promote blood clotting. Assume a semi-upright bed position, using 2 pillows. Spitting and rinsing causes bleeding. Avoid this if at all possible.
  6. During the first 48 hours use foods that will not require vigorous chewing. Eat soft foods on the opposite side of surgical area and avoid hot foods and foods that will cause you to stretch your mouth for at least 1 week.
  7. Do not brush, floss, or rinse mouth for 24 hours.
    • a. After 24 hours, meticulous oral hygiene should be continued in all other areas of the mouth, but avoid brushing and flossing in the area of surgery during the first week.
    • b. After 24 hours begin rinsing with salt water (1 tsp. salt with 1 glass of warm water) after meals and as often as practical to help remove debris, prevent a sour taste and make your mouth feel more comfortable. An anti-bacterial mouth rinse, Peridex(Chlorhexidine) may have been prescribed & this rinse should be used in addition to salt water use. The instructions are to soak for 30 seconds and then expectorate gently (spit). Do not swallow. This is done 2 times daily, after breakfast & before bedtime. Avoid drinking or rinsing for 30 minutes after using Peridex.
  8. Avoid straws and spitting for at least 48 hours.
  9. Do not smoke for 1 week after surgery. Smoking delays healing.
  10. Return to this office for suture removal as directed.

If you have any of following symptoms following surgery:

  1. You develop a fever.
  2. Your bleeding has not stopped or decreased after 24 hours.
  3. Have severe pain.
  4. Any concerns or questions.

If you experiene any life threatening problems, call 9111 immediately for assistance.

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